Weight Loss Wednesday 2.22–I’m back

Weight: 177 pounds (up 1.8 pounds this week, down 28.2 pounds total)
Waist: 32.25 inches (down 4.75 inches total)
Hips: 38.5 inches (down 6.5 inches total)

On diet:  I actually only gained 0.4 pounds this week, but I gained last week too.  A small amount of it may be a muscle gain (my shoulders are ridiculous), but I’ve also been eating like crap.  I’m hungry ALL the time and lose control by 4 PM.  I don’t eat junk food necessarily, but I start eating everything.  I need to find vegetables I like and then stock up on them so I can eat large quantities without going way over on calories.

On cross-training:
Thursday–Cardio kickboxing + 10 minute BYNGO ab challenge
Friday–“Power” Yoga
Saturday–Jakestrong 5K (recap coming Friday)
Monday–Boot camp + 2.75 mile walk
Tuesday–Cycle 30 (30 minutes of spin with 30 minutes of lifting) class + 0.5 mi walk

I was going to combine a BYNGO recap into this section, but I’m realizing that would make this post absurdly long.  Instead, let’s talk about the thing that is going to cause my death:

The BOSU Ball is a gift from Satan

My Cycle 30 instructor decided we should do our entire weight workout with the BOSU.  I know that I have bad balance, but I didn’t move to the wall like I should have.  She had us put the flat black side up and climb on with weights.  I promptly fell off and slammed a dumbbell into the kneecap of my good knee.  It stung, but it wasn’t that painful, so I kind of shook it off and moved my ball against the wall.  It was all fine and dandy until we did modified push-ups a few minutes later.  The second my knee hit the ground, I yelped.  I rolled up my pant leg to discover a marble size welt.  Fun times.  The instructor, also had me do unspeakable things to my triceps.  I’m not sure if yoga was that much harder today or if I was that sore from yesterday.  Ouch.  Tomorrow will be a run only day because I want to do the rock climbing wall on Friday.

The good news is ice and a large dose of Aleeve took care of the swelling and now it’s just a bruise.  Yoga felt fine today, except for a few knee down positions.  I need to live in a plastic bubble until Detroit, though.  Clearly my knees are in danger.

On running: I did my first official training run for Detroit (I combined Hal Higdon with the long runs for MIT, so I started Tuesday).  5K in under 35 mins!  It’s getting really sweaty, so I was shocked that I needed layers and tights.  The MIT kick-off is Saturday with a 2 miler, which doesn’t feel worth getting out of bed.  I’ll go, but I’ll whine about it, especially with the cost of gas all the sudden.

I also did a 5K on Saturday (we decided to do it the day before).  I’ll recap on Friday, but SPOILER ALERT:

It was awesome!

So friends, can you link me to some healthy easy snacks?  What do you eat when you are starving all the time?  And yes, I eat more than enough protein, so I’m pretty confident that isn’t the problem.

About Sarah S @RunningOnWords

Married 20-something in flux and trying to cope by running and occasionally crafting.
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9 Responses to Weight Loss Wednesday 2.22–I’m back

  1. April says:

    I like celery and dry shredded wheat…not at the same time. And I promise, crackers are easy to make. That way you control what’s in em.

    You and those knees! Hubby’s gonna start getting dirty looks because of you guys once C starts beating herself up like toddlers do.

    • I want to try making Goldfish ripoff crackers! Do you have a recipe you like? And C already beats herself up. Her knees are missing the top layer of skin from crawling all the time and she turns red if you press on her skin at all. We really do look horribly abused!

  2. Michael says:

    I love the BOSU ball but it can be seriously dangerous 🙂 be careful out there!

    This is my theory on eating healthy..I may be wrong. I think when you eat healthy mostly whole foods, they are missing all the fillers and extra in crap food. I think that’s what makes us feel full (and gross). I find myself constantly starving when I’m eating “clean”. But yet I feel so much better at the same time.

    I really like red pepper strips and hummus. Another option is a wheat cracker (or gluten free) and goat cheese. And of course the old fashioned celery and peanut butter. Another favorite of mine is greek yogurt and granola and almonds. I think it all depends on what you like to eat though of course.

  3. Kara says:

    I eat a shit ton of olives. I don’t know if it’s a healthy snack when you eat half a jar at a time but you like measure and shit.

    • Olives are fucking delicious! I used to sit and eat the whole jar or can, which I think is higher in calories than I want to admit. Still, a few might make me less hungry. Or I’ll just use your diet and run constantly and eat whatever the hell I want. I like that idea better.

  4. Army Amy says:

    Oh, the knee. I cringe thinking about it. Hope you are full functional between now and Detroit.

    Bosu balls are one of those things that I hate but I love. Such crazy forms of workout torture can be performed with a bosu ball.

    Love that picture of you running! You look so happy (and fast!). Can’t wait for the recap.

  5. Terzah says:

    I can’t wait for that recap–I’m glad it was awesome. That’s a fantastic picture.

    I’ve been trying to cut down on my bad eating, too, and mine also worsens after 4 p.m. (a glass of wine every night that we’ve been on vacation in NJ isn’t exactly on the program). My healthy snacks are: baby carrots by the bagful (easy to be mindless with those, but also harmless); string cheese (two with a carb like an apple usually cut my cravings off); V8 juice with everything (the low sodium kind–makes me take an extra hit of vegetables even when I’m eating something else); a heaping spoonful of PB or almond butter (yep, I eat it right off the spoon); and frozen mango bits. It’s hard when you’re training for something, I know!

  6. Megan W. says:

    You look so good in that picture! Good work! I like my 1oz mixed nuts or a bar…cheese stick and apple works well too!

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