Bobble Review and Giveaway

I suck at drinking water.

I first realized this while training for my half marathon this spring.  And then this summer when it was 80 billionty degrees.  I set a goal for myself of 4 liters a day so I would be properly hydrated while running and now properly hydrated during pregnancy.  The problem was that I don’t want to lug around bottles of water and my floor doesn’t have a water cooler.  And tap water tastes kinda funky in my building.

Enter the Bobble:

Mr. Big Pants bought me the 18.5 oz (550 mL) size Bobble and an extra filter in May when we were shopping at the Container Store (he’s a little obsessed with that place).  My stepmother already used one and needed more filters.  I’d seen one before at work and thought it was really cool looking, so I wanted one too (and they are cheap, so the old guy was willing to buy one.  Also, the built in filter means I have access to water anywhere (note: the Bobble should not be used to filter water that may be microbiologically unsafe).

My Bobble and I were a happy little pair, but my desk is really far away from the sink and there are about 8 million people sitting between me and water.  That meant that I was reticent to refill it every 30 minutes (shut up, I tend to drink my water all at once).  I know it’s really good to get up and move around, but walking past my boss’ office and everyone else was starting to get conspicuous, especially since I got the same route to the bathroom (which is on another friggin’ floor).

Enter the 1L Bobble:

The rule is this bad boy is never allowed to be empty.  I tend to drink 2-3 a day at work.  Yes, the water isn’t that cold, but it’s tasteless and fresh!  Also, no BPA, phthalates, or PVC and the bottles are reusable and made from recycled materials.  If you care about that kind of stuff (shh, I’m secretly kind of crunchy).  The filters are replaced about every 2 months (I get about 2.5-3 months out of mine) and you can replace with any color, so it’s always new and exciting.

So to summarize, I puffy pink unicorn heart my Bobble.  It’s easy to get water out through the filter (you’d be surprised how hard that can be in some of the other filter bottles), it’s cheap ($6.99 per filter, $8.99-$12.99 for the Bobble+filter), and it’s convenient.

Bobble can be found at these retailers, which includes a long list of national retailers, so you can definitely find it.  Or you can order online at their site here.  That is, of course, if you can’t wait to see if you win my giveaway!

Bobble kindly sent me 2 18.5 oz Bobbles to giveaway.  There will be two winners and each Bobble will come with some mini 100 Grand bars just for fun (100 Grand bars are the best of all the candy bars, so stop treating them like the red headed stepchild of candy!).  I have a green and a red, so let me know if you have a color preference, but absolutely no guarantees.

To enter (do as few or as many as you want):
1.  Follow my blog and let me know how you do so in a separate comment
2.  Comment below on where you would take you Water Bobble and if you have daily water consumption goal (MANDATORY. Please specify your color preference if you have one)
3.  Follow me on Twitter.  Let me know in a separate comment that includes your Twitter handle.
4.  Follow Bobble on Twitter. Let me know in a separate comment that includes your Twitter handle.
5.  Tweet this giveaway (make sure to include @RunningonWords).  Let me know in a separate comment that includes your Twitter handle.
6.  Blog this giveaway.  Leave the link in a separate comment.

Giveaway closes at 9 PM on 10/20.

FTC Disclaimer: I was not paid nor was my opinion solicited by Bobble.  I contacted Bobble and asked for the two giveaway bottles after purchasing and loving them.  And I don’t even know who makes 100 Grand bars, but they probably don’t know I exist, so they didn’t pay me either.

About Sarah S @RunningOnWords

Married 20-something in flux and trying to cope by running and occasionally crafting.
This entry was posted in Gear, Giveaway. Bookmark the permalink.

87 Responses to Bobble Review and Giveaway

  1. April says:

    Ooh want want want! I’ve never heard of these. I rarely drank anything but water before, but now it’s all I can drink with the teeth thing.

    You know I follow your blog!!

  2. April says:

    Right now, the only place I would take my Bobble would be my paper route, because leaving the house is for squares, ya know.

    I try to choke back 4 32 ounce cups of water every single day, and some days I do six or seven. Voluntarily!!

    I kinda like the red one. We have green furniture and curtains, so a spot of red would be welcome!

  3. Kara says:


  4. Kara says:


  5. Shirley says:

    I try to drink a gallon of water a day, some of that is green tea. And yes I am a regular in the restroom! I would love the red one.

  6. April says:

    You know I follow you on twitter!!

  7. April says:

    I follow @waterbobble on twitter!!

  8. April says:

    …and I tweeted. Did I mention that I’d really like to win one o’these things?

  9. Katy says:

    I love these! I follow you! 🙂

  10. Katy says:

    My goal is about 4-5 of these a day. Especially during marathon [1/2 marathon] training! I like puuuuuuuuurple. Always. Haha.

  11. Katy says:

    I follow on Twitter! [@katytackleslife]

  12. Katy says:

    I followed Bobble on Twitter [still @katytackleslife!]

  13. Katy says:

    I tweeeeeeeted!!!! 🙂 @katytackleslife

  14. Emily says:

    I follow your blog. Doy!

  15. Army Amy says:

    I want one! I’d drink out of it at work.*

  16. Emily says:

    The container store Is way awesome! I’d take that sucker with me while running errands. I never drink enough on the weekends and supposedly I need to stay more hydrated than I already do in order for my ears to function properly. I need to win this FOR MY EARS!!

  17. Emily says:

    I follow on twitter


    Again, DOY!

  18. Emily says:

    I twitter follow bobble. Hi bobble! Your name reminds me of weebles. You should weeble-ize your bottles. I like to have fun with my water.

  19. Emily says:

    I twitterized this tweet giveaway. using tweet in the place of real cuss words is fun. Tweet the tweeting tweet, tomorrow’s Monday. TWEEEEET! 🙂

    @emysue of course

  20. Tracy says:

    I follow your blog in my google reader!

  21. Tracy says:

    And I follow you on twitter!

  22. Tracy says:

    I *need* something like this to take to work. I only have access to nasty drinking fountain water there, so I find that I will either: go a full day w/o drinking any water, or buy POP to quench my thirst!! (I refuse to pay for water when I can theoretically drink from the fountain, even though it tastes nasty.) I don’t have a minimum goal of how much to drink because, um, I often will drink only maybe 16oz or so in a day.

  23. This is a great review!!! I’ve been wanting to try a Bobble, but didn’t want to buy it if it wasn’t going to work well. Ridiculous, I know. It’s cheap, but still. lol

    I followed you blog via email subscriptions! Thank you so much for the chance! lisagoneaussie (at)

  24. I follow you on twitter @littleteteatete

  25. I follow bobble on twitter – @littleteteatete

  26. I would take this to work with me, since I teach long days, instead of a million wasteful water bottles. It would be much better!

  27. I tweeted! 🙂 @littleteteatete

  28. Megan says:

    Pink all the way! I haven’t figured out how to work twitter, wanna teach me? so I just follow your blog and would love a pink one 🙂

  29. I’m not entering because I have a Bobble and I love it! Great review too! We have a water cooler at work that has filtered water in it, but at home our water is crappy so I keep the Bobble in the fridge and have cold water at home all the time.

  30. I’d love to try Bobble–we have well water and a water softener, and I’d love tasteless water! I’m a breast cancer survivor, so I think pink would be an awesome color. Thanks for the chance!

  31. I follow Bobble on Twitter (WhiteRiverBluff)

  32. I follow you and I NEED one of these.

  33. I want the navy one! Oh, I would use it at work because I suck at drinking water at work.

  34. I follow you on twitter – @thereare2sides

  35. I follow bobble on twitter – @thereare2sides

  36. Pingback: A Giveaway from Someone Else « Where Do We Go From Here?

  37. Linda says:

    I would love a red or green bobble – it would encourage me to drink more water!

  38. Elle says:

    Love this and yes, following you.

  39. Elle says:

    Red please, or blue if there is one!

  40. Elle says:

    I try to drink 64 ounces of water a day. Sometimes I don’t get there.

  41. Elle says:

    I follow you on Twitter

  42. Elle says:

    I follow Bobble on Twitter too.

  43. Elle says:

    I tweeted the giveaway

  44. Elle says:

    linked your post to my blog sidebar

  45. Nicole says:

    I think this is a really cool item. I’ll be honest though, I don’t drink as much water as I should on a daily basis. Shame on me.

    P.S. I’m only going to enter once because there’s some stiff competition going on around these here parts and I don’t want to get run over by the stampede …… geesh people, y’all crack me up!


  46. I would take it with me to school {I’m a teacher} and require it be empty at least twice per day!

    I’d love a pink one. 🙂

  47. I follow you on twitter…..of course. @lauriewalksfast

  48. I don’t leave the house much since I work from home but if I did, I’d take it to the office. Otherwise, I can see myself using it all the time…….I love to drink water. I used to hate it but I started drinking water with a squirt of real lemon and that just made it easier for me…….

  49. I blogged about it –

  50. Following waterbobble on twitter.

  51. Tweeted abt your giveaway. Again, lauriewalksfast

  52. Amy says:

    I follow your blog!

  53. Amy says:

    I would use my Bobble mostly at work since there is no filtered water there…red or green, it’s all good! 🙂

  54. I’ve seen those things before — never got it until now! You’ve been “followed” on my RSS reader. 🙂

  55. I’m also going to be blogging about your giveaway tonight – check ‘er out!

  56. I follow you on Twitter. Tweet-a-leak.

  57. Mandy says:

    I follow your blog!!! I’ll make Avery follow too. 😀

  58. Mandy says:

    As you know – I am nursing Avery. I NEED to be drinking about 100 oz a day…and right now, I’m totally sucking at that. I love both red and green, so either color works for me. 😀

  59. Mandy says:

    I totally just joined twitter for the purpose of following you. You are an evil woman. EVIL. I may have to warn Avery about you. :~P

  60. Mandy says:

    I’m following Bobble too. SIGH. Handle is RunningForTwo

  61. Mandy says:

    I’m attempting to tweet this giveaway…now. LOL. And 100 Grand bars are AWESOME.

  62. Mandy says:

    Ok. You’re the only giveaway I’ve ever bogged about in my blog. That means your spethal. 🙂

  63. I need this in my car, mostly to stop the Sweet Tea obsession. I’m partial to green.

  64. follow bobble on twitter @jennnydawn

  65. Pingback: Cold Weather Running or how to stay off the treadmill despite the winter | Running On Words

  66. Alyssa says:

    I thought I was a follower but maybe I never confirmed? I am SO sorry! I am now officially!

  67. Alyssa says:

    I follow you on Twitter (with pleasure).

  68. Alyssa says:

    Now I follow bobble!

  69. Alyssa says:

    I want pink, obvi.

  70. Alyssa says:

    Tweeted it @alyssalindsey.

  71. Candice says:

    Follow! With love =)

  72. Candice says:

    Since my lame, free water bottle melted in the dishwasher, I would take this EVERYWHERE. I need to drink more water. And maybe if I always had this with me, I would stop grabbing a Dr. Pepper when I’m out running around.

    I would want red. Or green. I would just be happy to get one.

  73. Candice says:

    I already follow you on Twitter =)

  74. Candice says:

    I follow Bobble on twitter. My handle is ihaverun!

  75. Ericah says:

    I follow your blog.

  76. Ericah says:

    This would be perfect for my girls to use for soccer practice and if I win I will only have to by 3 more. 🙂 Colors i would choose for them are red, blue, lavendar and yellow.

  77. Ericah says:

    i follow you on twitter @erica_h

  78. Ericah says:

    I follow bobble on twitter @erica_h

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