Weight Loss Wednesday 2.13–size 10s!

Weight: 181.8 pounds (up 1.4 pounds from last week, down 23.4 pounds total)
Waist: 34.25 inches (down 275 inches total)
Hips: 40.5 inches (down 4.5 inch total)

On diet:  Ugh, this is definitely where I went wrong this week.  I was doing great and under 180 by Friday, but then Easter came along with my mom who brought a ton of candy and cookies.  I’ve been stress eating all the junk food.  The good news is that it’s mostly gone, but I’m really frustrated.  I’ve been so uncontrollably hungry lately and all I want is carbs.  I got myself some sugar snap peas, which I will eat raw, to snack on in hopes of cutting back on the sugary snacks.  I’m also back to putting everything in MFP.  I took the weekend off, which was definitely a mistake.  I did, however resist the delicious 400 calorie muffins on Easter morning and instead ate my usual breakfast.  That doesn’t sound like much, but I think there were probably little tweaks like that all weekend that kept me from going totally nuts.

On NROLW cross-training:  I thought I’d escaped the April Fool’s pranks, but then I woke up yesterday morning.  Bootcamp was entirely burpees, lunges, and running laps and I feel like I never want to move my legs again. I had to modify some (a lot) of the lunges for my knee, but that is the only part of me that isn’t sore, so I think it’s getting better.

On running:  I did two 4 mile runs this week.  They felt fine, but I gotta say I was disappointed by how many fewer calories I’m burning lately.  My heart rate doesn’t go up quite as high and there’s a lot less of me, so unless I start speeding up again I’m going to have to eat less on running days.  And stop having 250 calorie cookies in the house.  Junk food is not my friend.

In better running news, I am officially registered for the Detroit half marathon!  We go to Canada during the race and I am so stoked.  I also have Pretty Muddy in September and an uber cheap ($9) 5K on April 20.  I still need to make a real decision on the Cap City Quarter.

So my goals for next week are eat less and drink more water. Yup.  And no pictures for you today because I’m single parenting and my kid wants my attention.  Sorry not sorry.

About Sarah S @RunningOnWords

Married 20-something in flux and trying to cope by running and occasionally crafting.
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13 Responses to Weight Loss Wednesday 2.13–size 10s!

  1. Terzah says:

    Yay, so glad Detroit is on! Don’t forget your passport and don’t let that tunnel get your down.

  2. Christina says:

    You’re a single parent? It must be rough to stay at home all day and play with your baby without a man to support you. Oh, wait…

    • Oh man, I wish that was how my day went! I actually spent 6 hours yesterday working while trying to keep the baby entertained because I have to pay my share of our bills. Sorry if you found the word choice offensive, but I’m not sure why you felt the need to comment anonymously? You usually comment with your blog URL.

  3. Eh, Easter happens. It happened to me. You had fun eating yummy things and now you can get back on track. Have you tried eating fresh blueberries to help your sweet tooth. Those seem to be helping me this week.
    Awesome job on the workouts! Do you find yourself getting faster in your running now that you’ve lost weight? That usually happens.
    I need progress pictures. You’re killing me!

  4. Alyssa says:

    Holidays don’t count! Especially if your mom cooks for you. I love MFP! Haven’t been using it lately, but I still like it.

  5. Mandy says:

    It happens to the best of us! I’m so excited to go to Detroit together!

  6. Laura @ Mommy Run Fast says:

    Congrats on Detroit!! Yes, Easter is one of the worst times for sweets/carbs… no worries, just get back on track. As for burning less calories on your runs, it’s good news that you’re fitter and your body is more efficient! 🙂 You could throw in very short intervals bursts here and there to challenge your body in a new way.

  7. emily says:

    Holy crap. The other day I did 100 burpees because..why not! And I hate myself for it today.

    I didn’t do anything for Easter. Not having family around for holidays such as Easter that focus mainly on food helps a lot.

  8. Army Amy says:

    Look at you go! You are on a major roll! That one pound here, two pounds there really adds up to a lot.

    And yeay for Detroit! How cool that you can say you went to another country during a race!

  9. Kara says:

    Do you have to give them a copy of your passport when you register for that race? Is this how terrorist will slip into our country?

    Oh, good job on not eating shit you want to eat. That should be on a coffee mug.

  10. Tina says:

    Size 10s?! Yay, you!

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